Dr. Tasher Ali Sheikh
Department: Electronics & Communication Engineering
Batch: 2009
Present Work: Assistant Professor
Dr. Tasher Ali Sheikh born in Shimultapu village of Assam-West Bengal border. He belongs to a humble family where nobody knows how to read and write English alphabets. During his school days he regularly helped his brothers and father in their cultivation. On the day of his 10th results he was in the paddy field to help with his father. He passed with 1st division but nobody in his family knew what it meant. After completion of HS from B.N. College Dhubri he joined CITK in the year 2009 in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) department for B. Tech course. During his B. Tech last year in 2012 there was communal violence in the BTAD area. During that tough time our CITK fraternity helped a lot particularly Dr. Bihung Brahma and Dr. Sangrang Brahma sir. Without their help it was impossible for me as well as more than 65 minority students to complete their B. Tech from CITK. He also extends heartfelt thanks to his ECE department Professors at CITK and his friends and roommate for their help, suggestion, and motivation which made him come this far in academics. He received a B.Tech. degree in ECE from CITK in 2013.
He received M.Tech. in Mobile Communication and Computing from National Institute of Technology (NIT), Arunachal Pradesh, India, in 2015. He was enrolled for PhD under prestigious Visvesvaraya PhD scheme Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (Meity) Govt. of India, at North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology (NERIST), in July 2015 in ECE department. He completed Ph.D. from NERIST, Arunachal Pradesh, in January, 2021. After submission of his PhD thesis he got offers from two Engineering Colleges as an Assistant Professor. He choose Madanapalle Institute of Technology and Science (MITS), Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh and currently he is working as an Assistant Professor at this institute. In March he also received another offer letter for Assistant Professor (Contractual) from Central University of Karnataka but he did not accept that offer.
He is an IEEE Member, IETE and IEI Associate Life Member. He is an editorial member of 11 journals, reviewer of 9 refereed journals and also served as a technical program committee member of 7 international conferences. He has published 23 research articles in International refereed journals, 6 research papers in national and international conferences and 1 research paper in book chapter. He has organised 1 workshop and attended 27 FDP, workshop, short-term course and conferences. He has more than 11 months of experience in the research and teaching field. His field of interest includes Massive MIMO, cell free Massive MIMO, digital and microstrip filter design.