08 Mon
Young Entrepreneurs Meet Programme Schedule
Startup journey, challenges and opportunities for young Entreprenures from the region Programme schedule
31 Sun
Young Entrepreneurs Meet: Exchange of Ideas for Startups
Office of the Dean of Alumni and External Relations, Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar calls for young entrepreneurs who are currently having their own startup. The programme is structured to bring together young entrepreneurs who are into the field of startups and also who are interested in starting one. The programme is the first of the many series of talks that will be conducted in the upcoming months. Objectives of the programme: 1.Building an open platform for startups to share ideas 2.Open ended talk between startup founders and academia 3.Enhancing external industry relationships Programme date: 9th November, 2021 Venue: Virtual Classroom, CITK Campus. (Programme will be streamed online too) Registration link: https://forms.gle/71nGnscEevQsaooeA
04 Sat
Online Interaction Programme with First Batch Students of Degree and Diploma
Dear Alumni, We are extremely delighted to invite you to First Batch both Diploma and Degree Alumni Meet which is scheduled tomorrow at 12.30 PM. Meeting link: http://meet.google.com/dqc-jkwv-kdm
19 Mon
Online Training For Bodo Medium Students, Teachers and Guardians
Free online training for Bodo medium students, teachers and guardians. Organised by NIB and Alumni Association, CIT Kokrajhar. Registration form: https://bit.ly/3eAQqkd
10 Sat
An Introductory video on CIT Kokrajhar Admission
Watch the introductory video on CIT Kokrajhar Admission. Video source: Dr. Ajit Boro youtube channel Language used: Bodo Link: **[Click Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8-ZI3GvLdI)**
07 Wed
CIT Admission for session 2021-22
CITK Admission for the session 2021-22 is going on. Visit Admission portal for more information. Website Link: **[Click Here](https://admission.cit.ac.in)**
06 Tue
Announcement of IGSTC Industrial Fellowships towards Industrial Exposure in Germany for Young Indian Researchers
The Indo-German Science & Technology Centre (IGSTC) established by the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India & Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Govt. of Germany has launched an Industrial Fellowship programme for young Indian researchers to encourage value-added product development, innovation and applied research. This programme is targeted towards Indian PhD students and Post-Doctoral researchers in Science & Engineering to avail experience at an industry or industrial research organization in Germany. The Fellowship is also aimed at capacity building and to enable Indo-German collaboration between industry-academia and industry-industry linkages. For more information visit [www.igstc.org](www.igstc.org).
05 Mon
A Motivational Talk by Dr. Pinosh Hajoary, an Alumnus of CIT Kokrajhar
A Motivational Talk by Dr. Pinosh Hajoary, an Alumnus of CIT Kokrajhar Date: 7 July,2021, Time: 2.30 pm โHis journey from CIT Kokrajhar to IISc Bangaloreโ Meeting details: Wednesday, July 7, 2:30 โ 3:30pm Google Meet joining info Video call [link](https://meet.google.com/dpc-ieom-wmo): https://meet.google.com/dpc-ieom-wmo
05 Mon
An Online Interaction programme on Career Guidance in Engineering with school students from Bodoland Territorial Region
CITK Alumni Association calls for speakers from its Alumni for the upcoming event " An Online Interaction programme on Career Guidance in Engineering with school students from Bodoland Territorial Region". Event date: 18 July, 2021 Interested alumni are requested to fill up the form. Form Link: Click Here
04 Sun
Prospects of Food Processing Industries in BTR
"Prospects of Food Processing Industries in BTR" meeting of BTR Administration with Shri Rameswar Teli, Minister of State, Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Govt. of India on 5th July, 2021. Interested CITK Alumni from the Department of FET can meet Shri Rameswar Teli at CITK Campus by 5.00 PM on 5th July. For more information, please contact Alumni Affairs office. 
03 Sat
Interaction session with Education Minister of Assam
Venue: ๐๐ซ๐๐ฃ๐๐ง๐๐ซ๐ ๐๐ฎ๐ฆ๐๐ซ ๐๐ซ๐๐ก๐ฆ๐ ๐๐๐ฆ๐ข๐ง๐๐ซ ๐๐๐ฅ๐ฅ, ๐๐๐ ๐๐จ๐ค๐ซ๐๐ฃ๐ก๐๐ซ Saturday, July 3 ยท 3:00 โ 4:00pm Google Meet joining info Video call link: Click Here Or dial: โช(US) +1 470-745-0516โฌ PIN: โช224 668 222โฌ#
30 Wed
Online Workshop "3D Printing: Techniques and their Applications in Biomedical Devices", sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, GoI"
You can find more details about the event at: Click Here Alternatively, you can register for the event at: Click Here The registration for the event closes by 10th July 2021, 5:00 PM.
30 Wed
Alumni Engagement Platform Website Feedback Form
Hello Alumni, We would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on how we can improve your experience! share your thought to us. Click Here
26 Sat
Registration Approval: Signup
Dear Alumni, You are requested to provide all your details during the registration or signup process so that we can verify your data and give approval for the same. This will help us to block any unknown entry. Regards
24 Thu
Webinar on: Digitizing Language and Cultural Heritage of Bodo.
National Institute of Bodology is going to organize an webinar on Digitizing Language and Cultural Heritage of Bodo on 25th June, 2021 at 8.00 PM (IST). Anyone interested can join the webinar by registering on Google form.
19 Sat
Lets Get Connected
Dear Alumni, Please provide all your details so that we can approve it. Convey to your batchmates and ask them to do the registration.
19 Sat
Please Share Your Memories in CITK
Dear Alumni, Please share your group photos with us at alumnioff@cit.ac.in. We want to add them to the Memory Page of the Website.