Jigmi Basumatary
Department: Control and Instrumentation
Batch: 2008
Present Work: Ph. D Scholar
Jigmi Basumatary, son of Maheswar Basumatary from Gendergaon, Kashikotra Chirang BTR Assam, An alumnus of CIT Kokrajhar, 2008 Batch. He completed his diploma in Control and Instrumentation in 2011. After completing his diploma, Mr. Jigmi joined NIT Silchar for B. Tech. After completion of his B. Tech. Mr. Basumatary received offered from India's top institute ** IISc Bangalore** for Integrated Ph. D. (M. Tech + Ph. D) . His topic and interest is Single Molecular Imaging.
CITKAA is proud of his achievement and wish him success in life.