Priyam Kumar
Department: Instrumentation Engineering
Batch: 2015
Present Work: Executive Engineer
Priyam Kumar, An alumnus of CIT Kokrajhar, 2015 batch. After completing his B. Tech under Instrumentation Engineering Department in 2019, drop 6 months to preferred GATE ACE Engineering Academy, Hyderabad. Throughout his academic career, Kumar was an extremely intelligent , brilliant and helpful student. During exam time he never studied, instead help his roommates, classmates and even back paper students.
He had a keen interest in higher education, and his outstanding research abilities had lead him as a Research Scholar at IIT Madras. Currently Mr. Kumar is working as Executive Engineer in NLC India Limited, India’s leading mining and thermal generator PSU company. For juniors his research endevours and work at India’s top PSU corporation would be a great source of inspiration.
CITKAA is proud of his achievement and wish him success in life.